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Unique Stella Artois / Verigoud Soda Bottle Opener (1962)


For some reasons, this atypical bottle opener has two brands on it, one on each side. The famous Stella Artois from Belgian and the less famous Verigoud Soda from Algeria.
Used and made to be used again!

There is no need to present the beer company from Leuven, Stella Artois.
Verigoud is a soda brand that disappeared after the Algerian independence, which makes this artefact older than 1962.

The bottle opener is a bit rusty, as it was used a lot by their Belgian owners.

Like every item made out of metal on The Curious Picker, this item is cleaned and treated against rust and corrosion. Like every kitchenware / tableware product on this shop, hand wash is recommended.

1 in stock

Weight 25 g
Dimensions 9,4 × 0,15 × 3,8 cm



Estimated before 1962


